英语人>词典>英汉 : configurative的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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It is an integrated learning of cognition and behavior, a configurative learning and choice learning as well.


Using the configurative software as a platform,an automatic distributed temperature control system for temperature is designed on the scene with PLC.


The structure has more flexibility and lower cost than the configurative transputer graphic system abroad which uses Crossbar interconnection architecture.


Due to the advantage of universal configurative software, the software of PC is designed with KingView fulfilling the functions of system security management, data management, interface display, control adjustment, etc.


According to Lowi, the policy can he classified into configurative policy, distribute policy, regulative policy and redistribute policy.


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更多网络解释与configurative相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

configurative change:构形变化

configurational stimulus 构形的刺激 | configurative change 构形变化 | configurative management 整体结构管理

configurative management:整体结构管理

configurative change 构形变化 | configurative management 整体结构管理 | configured-off 非合用配置

"three exxentialsessence, qi and configurative force:三宝

刀斧伤 wound by knife or ax | 三宝 "three exxentialsessence, qi and configurative force" | 三痹 three types of arthralgiz