英语人>词典>英汉 : chorioepithelioma的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

chorioepithelioma [,kəuriəu,epiθi:li'əumə]



更多网络例句与chorioepithelioma相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Reports are available on the treatment of lung, breast and digestive system cancer, hepatoma, and chorioepithelioma with S. barbata extracts.


RESULTS: Of the 44 patients, 25 received adjuvant chemotherapy after operation; 1 received operation alone; 18 received induction chemotherapy. Of the 18 patients, 7 received tumor resection after chemotherapy; 2 patients with primary mediastinal chorioepithelioma with multiple metastases received radiotherapy on residual disease after chemotherapy; 1 patient with postoperative abdominal metastasis and 1 with postoperative lung metastasis achieved complete remission after chemotherapy; 1 patient with mediastinal sinus tumor achieved partial remission after chemotherapy; 6 had poor response to chemotherapy and died of disease progression.


更多网络解释与chorioepithelioma相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


choriocele | 络膜膨出 | chorioepithelioma | 绒膜(上皮)癌 | choriogonin | 考里奥里宁, 绒(毛)膜促性腺激素


choriocele 脉络膜膨出 | chorioepithelioma 绒膜癌 | choriogenesis 绒毛膜发生

Vaginal chorioepithelioma:阴道绒毛膜上皮瘤

Vaginal cancer; Cancer of vagina 阴道癌 | Vaginal chorioepithelioma 阴道绒毛膜上皮瘤 | Vaginal cicatrix 阴道瘢痕

Spurious chorioepithelioma:假性绒毛膜上皮瘤

Spurious cholelithiasis 假胆石病 | Spurious chorioepithelioma 假性绒毛膜上皮瘤 | Spurious coloboma 不全裂瞳孔(畸形); 假裂虹膜

mediastinal chorioepithelioma:纵隔绒毛膜瘤

mediastinal choriocarcinoma 纵隔绒毛膜瘤 | mediastinal chorioepithelioma 纵隔绒毛膜瘤 | mediastinal displacement 纵隔移位