英语人>词典>英汉 : check and balance的中文,翻译,解释,例句
check and balance的中文,翻译,解释,例句

check and balance

check and balance的基本解释

制衡原则, 制约与平衡

更多网络例句与check and balance相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is used to emphasize an important movement and to check balance and control.


"But I believe that, in reality, the essence of democracy lies in the check and balance of power ."


I like to change money frist and check all the balance .


Three branches of the government check each other and keep balance of power.


We just need to do exercises and check the balance of the player.


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更多网络解释与check and balance相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Check and Balance:分权制衡

但对于某些学者究竟应当归为哪一派,往往争论不休--因为那些学者的思想复杂多样,既遵循这一派别的规诫、又符合另一汉密尔顿是1787年美国宪法的起草人之一,他把分权理论运用于实践,并将分离制约(seperation and check)发展为分权制衡(check and balance).

Check and Balance:制衡

近来,由于公司治理相继出现若干腐败现象,大量的话题纷纷围绕在"制衡"(Check and balance)上面. 说什么缺乏适当的制衡,很容易让人做出坏事情. 制衡的作用在管理上表现为"监督"(Supervision)和"控制"(Control and review),前者指"在上位者的指导",

Check and Balance:制约平衡

在这种政治状况下,最高法院变成了"双面脸"的形象:在涉及国家政治权力以及所谓"公共秩序"方面,丝毫不留情面的"铁面无私",顺应政府意志,放弃了制约平衡(Check and Balance)的宪法使命;而在与国家政治无甚直接关联的环境诉讼或者公益诉讼上,

Check and Balance:制衡作用;互相制衡

Charter of the United Nations 联合国宪章 | check and balance 制衡作用;互相制衡 | Chief Electoral Officer 总选举事务主任

power check and balance:权力制约

权力制衡:Power"s Check and Balance | 权力制约:power check and balance | 检查与考核:check and inspect

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