英语人>词典>英汉 : chawing的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] chaw的现在分词


一口, 咀嚼物, 一满口


嚼, 咀嚼


嚼, 咀嚼

更多网络例句与chawing相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He likes chawing cachou.


Maybe its priceless for them to have the last chawing as they're about to return to the sheepfold.


If you are chawing ,and then you can say after swallowing it .


The cases in control group were given 0.3g aspirin for chawing, 5000u low molecular weight haperins were injected abdominally once for 12 hours total for 10 days one course. in the morning they took 0.1g aspirin and 75mg clopidogrel bisulfate, in the mean while, simvastatin betaloc, captopril and nitrogly cerin were used. while the cases in treatment group were pumped intravenous of 0.4ug/kg.min hydrochloride tirofiban sodium at the first 30 minutes, then as 01ug/kg.min for 24 hours on the basis treatment of the control group.

对照组以阿司匹林0.3 嚼碎顿服,低分子肝素5000u,腹壁皮下注射12h1次,共10d,阿司匹林0.1晨服,波立维75mg晨服,及应用辛伐他汀、倍他乐克、卡托普利、硝酸甘油等治疗;治疗组在此基础上应用盐酸替罗非班氯化钠注射液,前30min以0.4ug/kg/min负荷输入,后以0.1ug/kg/min静脉泵输入维持24h;观察两组疗效。

They get all their chawing by borrowing; they say to a fellow,"I wisht you'd len' me a chaw, Jack, I jist this minute give Ben Thompson the last chaw I had"-- which is a lie pretty much everytime; it don't fool nobody but a stranger; but Jack ain't no stranger, so he says: YOU give him a chaw, did you?


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