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buffer circuit的中文,翻译,解释,例句

buffer circuit

buffer circuit的基本解释


更多网络例句与buffer circuit相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At least one of the two outputs (58,84) to which a node is coupled, is an output of the buffer circuit.


A hysteresis adding circuit (75) is coupled to the at least one output of the buffer circuit.


Quasi-resonant mode was adopted instead of the RC buffer circuit so that effect was enhanced by 5%~10%.


Normal circuit of buffer to absorb.

图6 常用的缓冲吸收电路。

The working process , the principle and the parameter calculation method of the Undeland buffer circuit .

分析了Undeland 缓冲电路的工作过程及原理,并介绍了缓冲电路参数计算方法,最后用仿真的方法验证了电路的缓冲效果。

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更多网络解释与buffer circuit相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

buffer circuit:缓冲电路

buffer 缓冲器 | buffer circuit 缓冲电路 | bulk modulus 体积弹性模量

buffer circuit:缓冲电路, 阻尼电路 隔离电路

sleepily 想睡地, 困倦地 | buffer circuit 缓冲电路, 阻尼电路 隔离电路 | alternating stress intensity 交变应力强度

buffer circuit:缓冲电路,阻尼电路

缓冲筒,减震器 buffer case | 缓冲电路,阻尼电路 buffer circuit | 缓冲线圈 buffer coil

buffer circuit:缓冲油路[电路]

buff;软皮,米色,抛光,消声器,缓冲器,阻尼器 | buffer circuit;缓冲油路[电路] | buffer module;缓冲装置[模块]

off buffer circuit:截止缓冲电路

off beam axis scattering 离光束轴散射 | off buffer circuit 截止缓冲电路 | off cathode current 熄火阴极电流

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