英语人>词典>英汉 : brutalising的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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AN EXHIBITION at the Musée Maillol in Paris about the brutal and brutalising effects of the First World War, as recorded by a handful of German Expressionist artists, has been drawing crowds of French visitors, many of whose grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought on the other side of the same conflict.

在巴黎 Musée Maillol 举办的一个反应一战时期残忍现实和野兽行径的画展一直吸引着众多的法国参观者。这些画作由为数不多的德国表现主义派画家所作。许多参观者的祖父和曾祖父都曾在一战中作为协约国部队的一员参加过战争。

It is also an effectively brutalising training for persecuting others.


If they want to sack me, they should do it but please stop brutalising me.


If them require to sack me, them have to do it but please stop brutalising me.


This is further brutalising Iraqi society and the fact that many attacks are carried out by suicide bombers indicates that it is certainly not an effective deterrent.

这是伊拉克社会进一步 brutalising和事实,即许多攻击是进行自杀炸弹表明,这肯定不是一个有效的威慑力量。

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