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breeze plant的中文,翻译,解释,例句

breeze plant

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At Oxford he studied bar billiards, ancient Greek agriculture and the care and feeding of small, temperamental Japanese motorcycle engines; interests which led him, perhaps inevitably, to qualify as a solicitor and emigrate to Somerset, where he specialised in death and taxes for seven years before going straight in 1995. Now a full-time writer, Tom lives in Somerset, with his wife, one daughter and the unmistakable scent of blood, wafting in on the breeze from the local meat-packing plant.

怪咖成性的他十三岁就出版诗集,却也和一般八0年代的青年一样,泡在酒吧的球台之间,对日本机车小而有气质的精致引擎,怀抱著高度兴趣,除此之外,他还著迷於古希腊的建筑…后来为了谋生,他迁回伦敦近郊讨生活,但不甘寂寞的Tom Holt,在那里再度重新迷上了特殊议题,像是死亡或者税赋…等等,直到七年后才脱离这些严肃讨论,走回「人生的正途」。