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bending moment的中文,翻译,解释,例句

bending moment

bending moment的基本解释

[化] 弯矩

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We calculated the bending moment and bending stress in certain conditions.


This increases both the rigid body rotation of the vehicle and the bending moment.


So it is necessary to study on how to calculate bending moment utilizing the result of FEM.


Thus, when we calculate the interior force of sheet, we mainly calculate bending moment and twisting moment.


Finite Element Method is used to calculate the maximum bending moment and axial force of lining and its deformation.


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更多网络解释与bending moment相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

bending moment:弯矩

详细讲解弯曲(bending)内力的计算,剪力(shear force)图和弯矩(bending moment)图和画法,以及弯曲正应力强度计算. 梁的剪应力只作一般了解,分析梁的合理截面,梁的变形计算及简单静不定梁的解法作一般要求. 讨论压杆的类型及临界力计算公式,

bending moment:弯曲力矩

於本年度ORS中,Gordon等学者设计一可量测受力的尺骨头人工关节,其具有8个应变规,可针对远端桡尺骨关节(distal radioulnar joint)量测其前後方向、内外方向、与上下方向的弯曲力矩(bending moment),不过此研究是以手部模拟器带动尸体(共计七具)手部的动作,

bending moment:弯矩;力矩

benchmark 水准点;基准点 | bending moment 弯矩;力矩 | bending schedule 弯钢筋表

bending moment:挠矩

bending moment arm 弯曲力臂 | bending moment 挠矩 | bending radius 弯曲半径

resultant bending moment:合成弯矩

赫兹公式 H. Hertz equation | 合成弯矩 resultant bending moment | 合力 resultant force

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