英语人>词典>英汉 : bearing strip的中文,翻译,解释,例句
bearing strip的中文,翻译,解释,例句

bearing strip

bearing strip的基本解释


更多网络例句与bearing strip相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

New multi—objectives function (including mill stand longitudinal stiffness, distribution coefficient of loaded pressure between rolls, weight of mill stand, rolling power, rolls loaded gap profile changeability of bending force, transverse mill stand stiffness of bending force, transverse mill stand stiffness of rolling load) multi—constraints (including rolls strength, spindle strength, backup roll bearing load, minimum rollable gauge, roll surface temperature rise) rolls system parameters optimization model of four—high cold strip mill is established, and programme for mill structural illustration creation on the platform of AutoCad designs is compiled. With this as basis, rolls system parameters of Yichang thin strip corporation's 1219 cold mill are calculated using SUMT (subsequent unconstrained minimization technology).


The assumption of the variable tendency of slip-line in active zone is made based on the numerical results. Combining the slip-line equations and boundaries, the formula of bearing capacity is deduced which can consider the density of soil. The formula of bearing capacity of strip footing on ponderable soil is also deduced assuming that the slip-line field of ponderable soil is the same with that of weightless soil, which is proved to be an upper-limit solution, as its the same with that deduced by the upper-limit method in Prandtl mechanism.


Based on the load transmission mechanism of space truss, and referenced theanalysis of test materials, a formula for calculating the bearing capacity of reinforcedconcrete compression strut is introduced. By using the theory of plastic hinge-line, anupper limit solution of bent bearing capacity for four-pile cap, which coincidesprecisely with the practical measurements, is obtained. By utilizing the reaction ofthe soil under cap and by basing on the method of plastic ultimate analysis, an upperlimit solution of punching shear bearing capacity for pile cap is acquired, which. coincides precisely with the practical measurements, and the formula is similar to thecode.A brief discuss on cooperative work of strip beam of foundation and single rankof piles is made. Separately considering the pile-cap and the pile-group, thencoupling their matrix of rigidity, the inner force of pile-cap is solved by the numericalmethod under some reasonable supposition. In comparison with other method, thecalculating results are exact, reliable and convenient in using. The method provides apowerful tQol fOr further analysis and research on this kind of structure.


更多网络解释与bearing strip相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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