英语人>词典>英汉 : beadroll的中文,翻译,解释,例句



目录, 名册, 名单

更多网络例句与beadroll相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If the parties concerned fail to reach an agreement, the appraisal institution shall be randomly sorted out from the beadroll of the appraisal institutions as determined by the executing people's court or by the people's court of the place where the property of the person against whom a judgment or order is being executed is located.

第五条 评估机构由当事人协商一致后经人民法院审查确定;协商不成的,从负责执行的人民法院或者被执行人财产所在地的人民法院确定的评估机构名册中,采取随机的方式确定;当事人双方申请通过公开招标方式确定评估机构的,人民法院应当准许。

Such experts are specified by the tenderer from the experts beadroll, provided by the relevant departments of the State Council or the related section of the People's government of province, autonomous reagion and municipality directly, or the relevant profession experts list from the expert pool provided by the tender agency.


On the morning of October 9 the bomb at the office of the political arrangement exploded accidentally and unfortunately, and the uprising proclamation, beadroll and official seal fell into the hands of Rui Cheng, the governor-general of Hunan and Hubei, who demolished the uprising headquarters in Wuchang the same day, and decided to raid the revolutionaries according to the beadroll.

在10月9日上午的炸弹在办公室政治安排爆炸意外和遗憾的是,宣布起义, beadroll和官方印章落入芮城,总督的湖南,湖北,谁拆毁起义总部设在武昌同一天,并决定突袭革命家根据

更多网络解释与beadroll相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


beadledom 小官吏习性 | beadroll 名册 | beadsman 祈祷者


beadpearlpacebackandforthtowalk 珠 | beadroll 商品目录 | beadsmanbedesman 为施主祈祷者

beadroll:名册, 目录

beadledom | 小官吏习性(指愚蠢刻板,趾高气扬,好管闲事等) | beadroll | 名册, 目录 | beadsman | 替施主祈祷者, 乞丐


beadledom /小官吏根性/ | beadroll /名册/目录/商品目录/ | beadsman /为施主祈祷者/乞丐/

My father's name on each beadroll:卷卷有爷名

军书十二卷 The Khan is drafting an army of awe, | 卷卷有爷名 My father's name on each beadroll. | 阿爷无大儿 Alas Father has no grown sun,