英语人>词典>英汉 : ballistically的中文,翻译,解释,例句



弹道学地, 发射地

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The role of adiabatic shear bands within fragments of tubular steel ballistically loaded by explosive is investigated.


Any electron passing along such a wire should be able to travel ballistically (that is, without being slowed down by bumping into any atoms in the wire, just as a bullet travels down the barrel of a gun).

因此, 任何将通过该金属丝的电子都会弹越而过–也就是说,电子不会因为遭遇金属丝上的原子而被减缓速度,正如一颗子弹被弹出枪管。

Coastal artillery: These cannon fire ballistically only, like heavy howitzers.


. Then, the molasses laser beams are switched off, allowing the atoms to move ballistically away from the region to which they had originally been viscously confined Fig.


Along such a wire should??be able to travel ballistically (that is, without being slowed down by bumping into any??atoms in the wire, just as a bullet travels down the barrel of a gun).

因此, 任何将通过该金属丝的电子都会弹越而过–也就是说,电子不会因为遭遇金属丝上的原子而被减缓速度,正如一颗子弹被弹出枪管。

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更多网络解释与ballistically相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


ballistic 弹道的 | ballistically 弹道学地 | ballistician 弹道学家

ballistically:弹道学地, 发射地

ballistic | 弹道的, 弹道学的 | ballistically | 弹道学地, 发射地 | ballistician | 弹道学家

ballistically:弹道学地; 弹道地; 发射地 (副)

ballistic missile 弹道导弹 | ballistically 弹道学地; 弹道地; 发射地 (副) | ballistician 弹道学家 (名)