英语人>词典>英汉 : asymmetrically的中文,翻译,解释,例句


更多网络例句与asymmetrically相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

One is that the information exists in market asymmetrically; the other is that the information is conveyed incompletely and inefficiently.


The world is asymmetrically interdependently articulated into the global networks.


In the air a faster trim speed can be achieved, and with asymmetrically opened trimmers a compensation for the torque of the engine.


Or they may do so asymmetrically, and give rise to two very different daughters.


The costs of transacting arise because information is costly and asymmetrically held by the parties to exchange.


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更多网络解释与asymmetrically相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

asymmetrically distributed:不对称分布的

asymmetrical well pattern 不对称井网 | asymmetrically distributed 不对称分布的 | asymmetrically-split anode magnetron 不对称分辨阳极磁控管

asymmetrically placed load:非对称负载

asymmetric structure 不对称构造 | asymmetrically placed load 非对称负载 | asymmetry 非对称

asymmetrically trimmed mean:不对称截尾平均数

不对称检定 asymmetrical test | 不对称截尾平均数 asymmetrically trimmed mean | 不对称性 asymmetry

asymmetrically loaded membrane shell:承受不对称载荷的薄壳

asymmetric double V groove 不对称X形坡口 | asymmetrically loaded membrane shell 承受不对称载荷的薄壳 | asymmetric elastic stress field 非对称的弹性应力场

asymmetrically loaded membrane ITll:承受不对称载荷的薄壳

asymmetric double V groove 不对称X形坡口 | asymmetrically loaded membrane ITll 承受不对称载荷的薄壳 | asymmetric econtinueic stress field 非对称的弹性应力场