英语人>词典>英汉 : assimilationist的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

assimilationist [-nist]



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Other countries would be delighted to have immigrants with such assimilationist sympathies.


In Africa, Europe, and the Americas it is assimilationist settlement colonization that has led to the attrition and/or loss of the more indigenous African, Celtic, and Native American languages.


Despite opposition from fundamentalist and assimilationist Jews and internal divisions (at the 1905 Congress one group withdrew when the majority of delegates rejected a British proposal for establishing a Jewish homeland in Uganda), the Zionist organization gathered strength.

尽管反对原教旨主义者和同化犹太人和内部分歧( 1905年在美国国会一组撤回时,多数代表拒绝了英国提出的关於建立一个犹太人的家园乌干达),犹太复国主义组织的聚集力量。

The author first traces the evolution of the practice and theory of multiculturalism, delineating its course from an assimilationist approach that aimed at the perpetuation, transmission, and promotion of the cultural beliefs of the dominant community to an integrationist approach that aimed for equal opportunity within a culturally diverse and mutually tolerant society to cultural pluralism, which accepts and actively promotes diversity.


更多网络解释与assimilationist相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


assimilation 吸收 | assimilationist 主张社会同化者 | assimilative 同化的