英语人>词典>英汉 : arteria carotis externa的中文,翻译,解释,例句
arteria carotis externa的中文,翻译,解释,例句

arteria carotis externa

arteria carotis externa的基本解释


更多网络例句与arteria carotis externa相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective The arteria carotis externa was ligated, and arteria carotis interna was kept opening The left carotid artery was exposed and placed over an ultrasonic flow probe. The brain flow volume was recorded with an ultrasonic volume meter. The pursiness time of mice was observed to evaluate the effect of Erigeron breviscapus pellets on cerebral ischemia.

目的 应用二道血流速度流量仪超声探头测定大鼠颈总动脉以反映云南植物药业有限公司提供的灯盏花颗粒对脑血流量的影响;记录小鼠断头后张口喘气时间,观察灯盏花颗粒的抗脑缺血作用。

Objective The arteria carotis externa was ligated,and arteria carotis interna was kept opening The left carotid artery was exposed and placed over an ultrasonic flow probe.The brain flow volume was recorded with an ultrasonic volume meter.The pursiness time of mice was observed to evaluate the effect of Erigeron breviscapus pellets on cerebral ischemia.Methods Born's method was used to investigate effects of Erigeron breviscapus pellets on rabbit platelet aggregation induced by adenosine diphosphate,arachidonic acid,and platelet-acti-vating factor,in vitro or in vivo.Antithrombotic effects of Erigeron breviscapus pellets was monitored accord-ing to Peter's method.

目的 应用二道血流速度流量仪超声探头测定鼠颈总动脉以反映云南植物药业有限公司提供的灯盏花颗粒对脑血流量的影响;记录小鼠断头后张口喘气时间,观察灯盏花颗粒的抗脑缺血作用方法采用Born方法测定灯盏花颗粒在体内外对AA、ADP及PAF诱导的家兔血小板聚集功能的影响;运用电刺激大鼠颈动脉血栓形成方法,评价灯盏花颗粒对血栓形成的阻抑作用。

To investigate the changes and clinical significance of myocyte in right ventricle myocardial remodeling, a special technique connecting the arteria carotis communnis and venae jugularis externa was developed, and an artificial shunt of left to right was made resulting in volume and pressure overload in rat models.


更多网络解释与arteria carotis externa相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


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