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and even的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

and even

and even的基本解释


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The art of fiction, as Jane Austen knew it, declined from her through Scott, and Bulwer, and Dickens, and Charlotte Bronte, and Thackeray, and even George Eliot, because the mania of romanticism had seized upon all Europe, and these great writers could not escape the taint of their time; but it has shown few signs of recovery in England, because English criticism, in the presence of the Continental masterpieces, has continued provincial and special and personal, and has expressed a love and a hate which had to do with the quality of the artist rather than the character of his work.

jane的小说技巧,在她之后就开始没落了,Scott, and Bulwer, and Dickens, and Charlotte Bronte, and Thackeray, and even George Eliot(这些都是Jane之后的作家,你可以在金山上查到详细的资料)都没怎么采用她的风格,因为欧洲人骨子里有着狂热的浪漫主义,而这些伟大的作家也没有能够摆脱他们时代的感染。在英国,也没有什么恢复的迹象,面对着欧洲大陆上的伟大作品,英国的评论依然本土化,特殊化,个人化,他们对于作家表现出了强烈的爱,憎,而不是对于他们的作品人物。

Fellini was a consummate showman, not only an artistic genius but also a master magician and even something of a con man. He was a believer in the power of illusion and prestidigitation, an artist who preferred artifice to reality, and a man who believed that dreams were the most honest expression possible for a human being.

"意外"发现--消逝的星星-- Gianni Amelio入围2006威尼斯竞赛单元的作品,讲述一个意大利工人为了一个机械原件而来到中国历经数个城市的"历险"寻找一台高炉的故事,虽然只看了半部,我已经知道它是绝对好片;如果结合上周五的"LOSERS AND WINNERS"来看,特别有意思。

If you were a man, you'd be definitely the frailest among the men and even more feminine than the feeblest woman in the world.


更多网络解释与and even相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

odd and even parity function:奇偶校验函数

odd 奇数的 | odd and even parity function 奇偶校验函数 | odd and even price policy 均等价格政策,均等价格政策

I was in AV Club and Glee Club and even the Chess Team:我参加了音响社合唱团乃至象棋队

And whiter than sour cream 而且比酸奶油还要白 | I was in AV Club and Glee Club and even the Chess Team 我参加了音响社合唱团乃至象棋队 | Only question I 唯一的问题

And even Goldie:甚至还有歌蒂

But even Lucille and the girls that Roark and Kevin ate.|包括露西儿 还有洛克和... | And even Goldie.|甚至还有歌蒂 | The judge is all fire and brimstone when she hands down the sentence.|法官判决时 恨不得...