英语人>词典>英汉 : always together的中文,翻译,解释,例句
always together的中文,翻译,解释,例句

always together

always together的基本解释


更多网络例句与always together相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And we always climb the mountains together.


London decoration, they are is always together "the two beautiful sisters", looks like Dennis and his nabs Ritchie Jake .


Her story, with petruchio's-and they are always together after their first meeting-is set, with some brilliance, into another story, one of theatrical dressing-up and obvious pretences by the suitors of her sweet sister, who attracts ovidian richness of languge.

她的故事, petruchio's和他们永远在一起后,他们的第一次会议定,有的辉煌,变成另一个故事,一个文艺修整了明显幌子的诉讼人她的甜妹妹,谁吸引ovidian丰富的语言。

更多网络解释与always together相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

distress and conviviality together to partition our life:人有悲欢离合

何事长向别时圆. tell me why you are not always goodliness | 人有悲欢离合,distress and conviviality together to partition our life | 月有阴晴圆缺,raindrop and brightness unite the god's compassion

A: get together:聚会,联欢

He's always at work in the afternoons. 他总是在下午工作. | a. get together聚会,联欢 | We usually get together once a week. 我们通常每周聚会一次.

My family has always been very closeknit, and we still spend a lot of time together:我家的人际关系一直都很亲密,而且仍有很多时间团聚

3. I think I am a good leader si... | 4. My family has always been very closeknit, and we still spend a lot of time together我家的人际关系一直都很亲密,而且仍有很多时间团聚. | 6. When I don''t, my body...