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alternative medicine的中文,翻译,解释,例句

alternative medicine

alternative medicine的基本解释


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I am not against alternative medicine, but I do think it is important to be safe in how you approach things.


You know about its therapeutic benefits and that it is often used to complement alternative medicine.


If you are drawn to complementary and alternative medicine, you are not alone.


In the West, traditional Chinese medicine is considered a form of complementary and alternative medicine.


In the United Kingdom, annual expenditure on alternative medicine is US$ 230 million.


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alternative medicine:替代疗法

这说明满足原有需求的方式在短时间内和突然发生变化的可能性很高,如从化学药物向遗传学、分子生物学、医疗电子学,甚至向"替代疗法"(alternative medicine)的转变.

alternative medicine:替代医学

美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)近年成立了替代医学办公室(OAH),"替代医学"(alternative medicine),也可译作"选择医学"或"他类医学",其内容相当部分是指上述一类自然疗法,这些均得到国际上极大的重视,我已两次被邀请参加该办公室组织召开的学术研讨会,

alternative medicine:另 類 醫 學

西医在外伤及急症的处理是相当突出的,另类医学(Alternative Medicine)的疗法在预防及治疗慢性病方面则有独到之处. 许多非主流的治疗及效果日益被认知后,现已逐渐被融入西医的治疗服务体系,而形成整合医学(Integrative Medicine).

alternative medicine:另类疗法

在西方主流医学的**下,自然疗法往往被归纳为'另类疗法'(Alternative Medicine)的一种. 其实,自然疗法比任何医学或医术都更具历史. 远自十八、十九世纪,欧洲各国早已开始盛行,有百分之七十的传统西医也采用自然疗法. 由于没有副作用,

alternative medicine homeopathy:顺势疗法

alternative medicine 替换医学 | alternative medicine homeopathy 顺势疗法 | Altimeter 测高仪

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