英语人>词典>英汉 : alienability的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

alienability [,eiljənə'biliti]


可让与性, 可疏远性

更多网络例句与alienability相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Educative power stems from the essence of education which promote human's spirit and virtue, and from the educational public life which educatees inevitably move in. The essence of education and the educational public life define the essential characteristic of educative power, that is, the attributes of nature and alienability.


Educative power is an inner directive force contained in education; it's a fundamental way in which education exists. In the institutionalized education, educative power is exercised mainly by the body politic, schools and teachers, which embodies the alienability of educative power.


In the institutionalized education, educative power is exercised mainly by the body politic, schools and teachers, which embodies the alienability of educative power.


The sponsor hereby authorizes the university party the right of nonexclusive use, alienability and exemption of royalties, but only for the implementation of the agreement can the sponsor's technology be used.


更多网络解释与alienability相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


可撤销的法律行为 revocable juristic act | 可让与性 alienability | 可用法律强制执行的 enforceable at law


可撤销的法律行为 revocable juristic act | 可让与* alienability | 可用法律强制执行的 enforceable at law

alienability:可让与性, 可疏远性

alien | 外侨 外国的, 相异的, 不同, 背道而驰 | alienability | 可让与性, 可疏远性 | alienable possession | 可转让所有


alienability 可让与性 | alienability 可疏远性 | alienable 可让与的

alienability of property:财产的可让渡性

alidade 照准仪 | alienability of property 财产的可让渡性 | alienation coefficient 相疏系数,不相关系数