英语人>词典>英汉 : against expectation的中文,翻译,解释,例句
against expectation的中文,翻译,解释,例句

against expectation

against expectation的基本解释

出乎预料, 出乎意料

更多网络例句与against expectation相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's an exceptional increase against what we were expecting and what the market was expecting,"he said,"We were looking for a 40 per cent price rise,the market was probably in the 40-50 per cent expectation as well,but I guess when we look at what we've just seen for hard cocking coal,a 120 pius per cent,71 per cent doesn't seem that exceptional.


Praise arises lively curiosity,begets desire and if afterwards the value does not correspond to the price---as generally happens---expectation revolts against the deception and revenges itself by cheapening both the thing praised and the praiser.


This kind of mysterious power in Cao Yu's Drama is showed as:uncanny polts,complicated connection ,complicated conflicts ,accidents and fatal coincidences which against expectation.Secondly, This kind of mysterious power also can't be change and resist.


更多网络解释与against expectation相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

against nature:违反自然地, 奇迹般地

against expectation | 出乎预料 | against nature | 违反自然地, 奇迹般地 | against one's will | 违心地

Yet you weigh it against your expectation:你回手却在天平上放杯

我敬酒举的是情海决堤 I toast my cup spilled with love and passion | 你回手却在天平上放杯 Yet you weigh it against your expectation | 莫非你是我前世的债主 Were I indebted to you, in my previous life