英语人>词典>英汉 : adnexitis的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

adnexitis [,ædnek'saitis]


[医] 子宫附件炎

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Range of application】It is applied to the female vulvitis caused by different kinds of pathogenic microorganism ,colpitis, cervicitis, cervical erosion, endometritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, adnexitis, oophoritis, vaginal prutitus, disorder of the le


Results Among the familiar diseases in females,colpitis,cervicitis,hyperplasia of mam-mary glands,adnexitis and uterine leimyoma were the first five diseases with most cases.

结果 当前妇女常见病、多发病排前5位的依次为阴道炎、宫颈炎、乳腺增生、附件炎、子宫肌瘤。

In addition, chronic cervicitis except for a cancerous risk, untreated can also cause song phlogistic, adnexitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, etc, it is often leads to a common cause of infertility.


The disease category was distributing in cervicitis (822 cases), vaginitis (498 cases), adnexitis (130 cases), adnexal benign masses (8 cases), uterus neoplasms (13 cases), mammary disease(300 cases) and breast cancer(1 case), respectively.


It has improved the ability of maternity and child health care and gynecological diseases prophylaxis and treatment in the target areas in a certain degree. Village women in these areas are becoming aware of the importance of health care and the harmfulness of gynecological diseases. More women are willing to seek medical advice than before. Financed by the program, 134317 women in the program target counties get the access to medical examination, and 104728 of them were found to be gynecological diseases sufferers. Among which 66.91% are cervical infection, 32.28% are vaginitis, 17.72% are pelvic infection, 10.91% are adnexitis,0.39% are metroptosis, 3.15% are cervical cancer, 0.69% are urinary fistula.


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Fallopian tube Adnexitis:卵巢发炎

Fainting Syncope 昏厥 Hun jue | Fallopian tube Adnexitis 卵巢发炎 Luanchao fayan | Family Family 家庭 Jiating


adnauseamnauseously 令人作呕地 | adnexauteri 子宫附件 | adnexitis 子宫附件炎


adnexectomy 子宫附件切除术,附件切除 | adnexitis 子宫附件炎,附件炎 | adosculation 体外受精


adnexitis 附件炎 | adnexopexy 子宫附件固定术 | adolesce 在成长


admission (入学許可; [医] 入院,承認) | adnexitis (<子宮>付属器炎) | adrenal (副腎)