英语人>词典>英汉 : administrative board的中文,翻译,解释,例句
administrative board的中文,翻译,解释,例句

administrative board

administrative board的基本解释


更多网络例句与administrative board相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Nonetheless, from the angle of the central administrative board of the Company, the loss of the local interest of Batavia actually worked out well for the general interests of the Company.


There shall be a Council of the University (hereinafter called "the Council") which subject to the provisions of this Our Supplemental Charter and of the Statutes shall be the supreme governing body and the administrative authority of the University and shall have the custody and use of the Common Seal and shall be responsible for the management and administration of the funds, revenue, property and investments of the University and subject to the powers of the Academic Board as provided by this Our Supplemental Charter and the Statutes shall have general control over the conduct of the affairs of the University and shall have all such other powers and duties as may be conferred upon it by the Statutes.

威尔士大学将有一个大学理事会。服从于我们现在制定的这个补充章程和法令的规定,该理事会将是威尔士大学的最高管理者和行政机关;该理事会将拥有公章的监管和使用权力;该理事会将负责管理威尔士大学的基金,收入,财产和投资。根据我们现在制定的这个补充章程和法令的规定,该理事会又服从与学术董事会( the Academic Board的试译)的权力,并将对威尔士大学的各项事务处理有全面掌控权;该理事会将拥有我们的法令授予的其他类似的权力和义务。

He went before the school's administrative board to answer questions about how he gathered data.


更多网络解释与administrative board相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

accounting treatment of after-acquisition expenditures:收购后支出的会计处理

accounting structure;核算结构;; | accounting treatment of after-acquisition expenditures;收购后支出的会计处理;; | Administrative Board for Economic Defence;保护经济管理局;CADE;

chief executive:行政长官

(由1998年第26号第4条增补)"行政上诉委员会"(Administrative Appeals Board) 指根据>(第442章)设立的行政上诉委员会; (由1994年第6号第32条增补)"行政长官"(Chief Executive) 指─(b)依照>第五十三条在当其时代理行政长官职务的人;

Administrative Tribunals:行政裁判所

二 、英国的行政裁判所制度 行政裁判所(administrative tribunals),也称为行政裁判庭、特别裁判所,其叫法不尽一致,还可以称之为tribunal(裁判所)、committee(委员会)、board(局)、commissioner (专员)、division(司)等等.