英语人>词典>英汉 : acclimatisation的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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In 1951 works on acclimatisation of a crab in Barents sea have been renewed, however, they have been stopped again, because of impossibility of delivery alive crab: the caught animals lived in transport tanks with water no more than two days.

1951年这活动又开始了,但是不久又停了,因为没有办法发活的螃蟹,捕捞的螃蟹活不到 2 天。

The first Exhibition in 1876 was held at the present site, in the grounds of the Acclimatisation Society of Queensland.

在1876年的第一场展览。就是在现在举办展览的场地举办的。也就是现在的Acclimatisation Society of Queensland所在地。

This is not always the best way due to a shorter acclimatisation period.


After a period of acclimatisation we can see that it is a unique business opportunity that allows us to use our spare time to gain extra income.


However, once Europeans arrived game animals were introduced by acclimatisation societies to provide New Zealanders with sport and a hunting resource.


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acclimatization; acclimatisation:驯化

\\"驯化\\",\\"acclimation; acclimatation\\" | \\"驯化\\",\\"acclimatization; acclimatisation\\" | \\"调节;顺适\\",\\"accommodation\\"


accessory pigment 辅助色素 | acclimatisation 适应,驯化 | accommodation 调节;视觉调节


accessibility 可达度 | acclimatisation 气候适应 | accordant drainage 协调水系


期望值外推法 extrapolation by expected value | 气候驯化 acclimatisation | 器官 organs

temperature acclimatisation:温度驯化

temperate zone 温带 | temperature acclimatisation 温度驯化 | temperature coefficient 温度系数