英语人>词典>英汉 : absolute altitude的中文,翻译,解释,例句
absolute altitude的中文,翻译,解释,例句

absolute altitude

absolute altitude的基本解释


更多网络例句与absolute altitude相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The riverside resources have become important signs of the world business, which means that the riverbank of the world embodies the absolute altitude of the world.


With the increase of the absolute altitude, the soil water at different depth showed incensed at first, and then decreased.


ABSOLUTE ALTITUDE, The actual distance the aircraft is above the ground.


Using VB6 programming software, the different marked volume of corresponding absolute altitude for the horizontal vessel which have arbitrary ellipse head and spherical vessel can be calculated more rapidly and accurately, and the method was not restricted by vessel specifications.


The inside ground level for every workshop is ±00.000m and the height difference between inside and outside room is 0.4m ,±00.000m is equals to absolute altitude.

各车间室内地坪为±00.000m ,室内外高差为0.4m ,±00.000m 相当于绝对高另定

更多网络解释与absolute altitude相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

absolute altitude:绝对高度

根据统计,台湾全岛有31%的地面,绝对高度(absolute altitude)不到一百公尺,在一百公尺到五百公尺之间的,约有24%,高出一千公尺的,则占全台湾土地面积的32%撒奇莱雅族的聚落主要分布於台湾东部,大致在今日的花莲县境内.

absolute altitude:标高,绝对高度,海拔

absolute 绝对的 | absolute altitude 标高,绝对高度,海拔 | absolute atmosphere 绝对大气压

absolute altitude:绝对标高

absolute alarm 绝对值报警 | absolute altitude 绝对标高 | absolute atmospheric pressure 绝对大气压

absolute altitude:绝对标高;标高,绝对高度,海拔

absolute alcohol 无水酒精,无水乙醇 | absolute altitude 绝对标高;标高,绝对高度,海拔 | absolute ampere 绝对安培

Altitude: Absolute Altitude:絶対高度

Altitude | 高度 | こうど | Altitude: Absolute Altitude | 絶対高度 | ぜったいこうど | Altitude: Density Altitude | 密度高度 | みつどこうど

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