英语人>词典>英汉 : above average的中文,翻译,解释,例句
above average的中文,翻译,解释,例句

above average

above average的基本解释


above average所属的单词分类
Personal Qualities / 个人品质 [393]

above average · well-respected · short-tempered · drugged · cool · dextrous · crabby · zealous · wonderful · willing

更多网络例句与above average相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"An average amount of exercise was defined as 60 minutes per week," Sprod told Reuters Health,"so anyone exercising less than 60 minutes was below average, above 60 minutes was above average, and anyone that considered themselves 'highly competitive' chose that category."

&平均运动量被界定为60分钟,每星期,& Sprod告诉路透社记者,&所以任何人行使不到60分钟,是低于平均水平,高于平均60分钟以上,和任何人都认为自己是'高度竞争的'选择的类别。&

"An average amount of exercise was defined as 60 minutes per week," Sprod told Reuters Health,"so anyone exercising less than 60 minutes was below average, above 60 minutes was above average, and anyone that considered themselves 'highly competitive' chose that category."


The above relation shows that a selection algorithm that selects individuals in proportion to their fitness actually allocates exponentially increasing trials to above- average schemata. In GAs, this process of allocating exponentially increasing trials to above-average schemata is carried out for a large number of schemata at the same time and is referred to as implicit parallelism Dozier et al.


更多网络解释与above average相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

far above the average / stand out from one's fellows / eminent above all others:出类拔萃

出口成章 1)words flows from the mouth as form the... | 出类拔萃 far above the average / stand out from one's fellows / eminent above all others | 出谋划策 give counsel / offer advice and suggestion /ma...

Below-average president, above-average student body:比校长差一点儿 比普通的学生好一点儿

The Tigers, Gerald R. Ford High.|猛虎队 Gerald R. Ford高... | Below-average president, above-average student body.|比校长差一点儿 比普通的学生好一点儿 | So, what are you doing later?|那 等会儿你要做什么...

below the average:在一般水平以下;above the average在一般水平以上

16. take in接受,吸收. | 17. below the average在一般水平以下;above the average在一般水平以上. | 18. It's a real bargain. 很便宜,很划算.