英语人>词典>英汉 : a gramophone的中文,翻译,解释,例句
a gramophone的中文,翻译,解释,例句

a gramophone

a gramophone的基本解释


更多网络例句与a gramophone相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The person that had better hope through be out of shape the successful strategy of the foreign cartoon such as King Kong gives we do a website in order to inspire, when be out of shape the cartoon such as King Kong enters China, lose money in business is entered, foreign manufacturer did not carry a gramophone record this book will make money, carry movie force however, rely on relevant toy to wait gained more income, relevant example still has a lot of.


After this the word phonogram, probably under the influence of the word telegram, was used to refer to a sound recording made by a phonograph (first such use found in 1879), and in 1884 the gramophone, whose name was formed by inverting the term phonogram, was patented by Emile Berliner.

从这以后,phonogram 这个词可能是受单词 telegram 的影响而用来指通过留声机1879年被发现首次使用该意)记录下来的声音,并且在1884年gramophone 被埃米尔·柏林尔申请了专利,其名字是通过转化单词 phonogram 而形成

There was a multicolored plastic fly-curtain across a doorway, and from beyond that came the sound of sitar music played on a gramophone.


更多网络解释与a gramophone相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


小心的拿走桌上的留声机(GRAMOPHONE),在火炉(FIREPLACE)上有火柴及一根铁棒(POKER)放在炉旁. 铁棒可以不要. 在衣柜内有一合长枪子弹(A BOX OF CARTRIDGES). 你可以把子弹上膛(USE CARTRIDGES或RELOAD RIFLE). 读完笔记本后扔掉.

and puts a record on the gramophone:將記憶的結晶片斷 送入房中的留聲機裡

she smoothes her hair with automatic hand,她自發性地將頭髮順... | and puts a record on the gramophone. 將記憶的結晶片斷 送入房中的留聲機裡 | "this music crept by me upon the waters' 留聲機裡她享受男人姦...

and puts a record on the gramophone:在留声机上放上一张片子

她机械地用手抚平了头发,又随手She smoothes her hair with automatic h... | 在留声机上放上一张片子. And puts a record on the gramophone. | "这音乐在水上悄悄从我身旁经过""This music crept by me upon the wa...