英语人>词典>英汉 : Waal的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



[人名] 瓦尔, [地名] [德国] 瓦尔, [地名] [荷兰] 瓦尔河

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De Waal recognized him: His name was Musa Hilal, and he was the sheikh's son.


The Waal was almost 400 meters wide, with a swift current of about ten kilometers an hour.


Most of the racers have no job or work part time, and did do before August already more then 60 races this year, a friend of mine Wim de Waal won at that time already more then 20 of the races.

大部分的选手是没有工作或只是做兼职的,在今年8月前所举办的赛事已超过60场,我的一位获得胜利的朋友——Wim deWaal,在这之前所参加的竞赛已超过20多场。

But De Waal said the recession would have a serious impact on planning a life together.

但是De Waal 说金融危机会对夫妻共同计划的生活产生严重的影响。

But De Waal said the recession would have a serious impact on planning a life together.


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莱茵河、[[瓦尔河]](Waal)和[[默兹河]](英语:Meuse River;荷兰语、德语:Maas)将荷兰一分为二. [[莱茵河]]、[[瓦尔河]](Waal)和[[默兹河|马士河]](英语:Meuse River;荷兰语、德语:Maas)将荷兰一分为二. 荷兰产生过很多著名的画家.

Waal R:瓦尔河

瓦镇 Wa | 瓦尔河 Waal R. | 瓦威克 Waalwijk

Waal warm age:瓦尔冰间期

瓦氏珊瑚 Waagenophyllum | 瓦尔冰间期 Waal warm age | 玄土;泥质砂岩 wacke

de Waal's Agrarian Law:迪威尔农业法令

de Valera, Eamonn 瓦勒拉 | de Waal's Agrarian Law 迪威尔农业法令 | Dead Sea 死海

de Waal's Agrarian Law:迪威尔农业法

de Valera, Eamonn 瓦 | de Waal's Agrarian Law 迪威尔农业法 | Dead Sea 死海

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