英语人>词典>英汉 : Romane的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



[人名] 罗马尼

更多网络例句与Romane相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I now warn my countrymen to beware of these execrable philosophers, whose only object it is to destroy every thing that is good here, and to establish immorality and murder by precept and example—'Hic niger est hunc tu Romane caveto''Such a man is evil; beware of him, Roman'.


An early example is to be found in a little controversial tract of 1575 called "a Notable Discourse" where we read for example that the heretics of old "preached that the Pope was Antichriste, shewing themselves verye eloquent in detracting and rayling against the Catholique Romane Church" p.

一个早期的例子是要找到一个没有争议的1575道所谓的&显著的话语&如果我们读到例如,在异教徒的老&鼓吹,教皇是Antichriste , shewing自己verye雄辩地贬低和rayling反对罗马天主教教会&(第64页)。

An early example is to be found in a little controversial tract of 1575 called "a Notable Discourse" where we read for example that the heretics of old "preached that the Pope was Antichriste, shewing themselves verye eloquent in detracting and rayling against the Catholique Romane Church" p.

早期的例子是,被发现在一个小争议道1575年的所谓&一个显着的话语:&我们读举例说异端的老&鼓吹,教宗是antichriste , shewing自己verye雄辩地在贬低和rayling对天主教romane教会&(第64页)。

更多网络解释与Romane相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Feste Romane:罗马节日

Feste Romane 罗马节日 | 01 I. Circenses 第一乐章:竞技场 (4:37) | 02 II. Il giubileo 第二乐章:大赦节 (7:22)


Rolande 罗朗德 (Luó lǎng dé) | Romane 罗曼 (Luō màn) | Rosa 萝莎 (Luó shā)

Vater las spannende Romane:父亲读惊险小说

- Vater wandert durch den Wald. 父亲穿过森林. | - Vater las spannende Romane. 父亲读惊险小说. | - Vater hat eine warme Hand. 父亲的手很温暖.

Charles Vienot Vosne Romane:莎拉维尔诺-佛尼斯罗曼

630148 丽佛莱城堡 Ch.Livran Medoc | 631029 莎拉维尔诺-佛尼斯罗曼 Charles Vienot Vosne Romane | 630034 布丘庄园葡萄酒 Cotes De Bourg Crf

TAROM Transporturile Aeriene Romane RO:罗马尼亚 罗马尼亚航空公司

卢森堡国际货运航空公司 Cargolux Airlines Intemational CV 172 | 罗马尼亚 罗马尼亚航空公司 TAROM Transporturile Aeriene Romane RO 281 | DAC航空公司 DAC Air GCP

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