英语人>词典>英汉 : Received Pronunciation的中文,翻译,解释,例句
Received Pronunciation的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Received Pronunciation

Received Pronunciation的基本解释


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For many years, this meant English, first with received pronunciation, then with an American twang.


In English, RP* means Received Pronunciation or Standard Pronunciation.


In British English, there is such a thing as 'Received Pronunciation', which is a kind of standard most people can cope with.

英国英语中有一种所谓的"标准音"(Received Pronunciation,简略成RP)的说法,这是大多数人可以接受的标准音。

Thus, it is reported that in China, teachers and school textbooks refer to and recommend Received Pronunciation as the model, as well as standard British syntax, spelling and lexis.

因而, 据报导,在中国,老师和学校课本提到和推荐被接受的发音作为模型,并且标准英国的句法、拼写和全语汇。

Received Pronunciation , which is "the educated spoken English of south-east England", has traditionally been regarded as "proper English"; this is also referred to as BBC English or the Queen's English .


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Received Pronunciation:标准发音

.1998年的这篇讲座先给标准发音(Received Pronunciation)下了定义,RP指的是居住在伦敦周边地区的上层人物所特有的英语口音. 讲座然后对RP产生的历史背景,三个主要特点和现在的地位进行了探究.

Received Pronunciation:标准语音

rising tone 声调 | received pronunciation 标准语音 | role plays 角色扮演