英语人>词典>英汉 : Rastafarian的中文,翻译,解释,例句




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Rastafarian Mr Brown had been returning from a short trip to Ethiopia, where one of his children lives and where he owns property.


The man was Jaron Lanier, a round guy with a mop of rastafarian dreadlocks and a funny giggle, who always reminds me of Big Bird.


The man was Jaron Lanier , a round guy with a mop of rastafarian dreadlocks and a funny giggle, who always reminds me of Big Bird.


He ultimately had massive amounts of people joining the movement, living the simple truths of the Rastafarian lifestyle and gathering together in large groups to organize celebrations for Jah, also called niahbingi.


According to Rastafarian belief the only true God is the late Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie (originally known as Ras Tafari ), and Ethiopia is the true Zion.

据rastafarian信仰独一的真神,是已故埃塞俄比亚海尔塞拉西(原来称为 ras基因tafari ),和埃塞俄比亚是真正的锡安。

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最喜歡的電視節目: baikengu | 關於我: simple bt cute.....eheh | 我想要結識的人: rastafarian

rastafarian:拉斯特法里派一员的; 拉斯特法里崇拜者的 (形)

raspy 刺耳的; 易怒的; 焦躁的 (形) | Rastafarian 拉斯特法里派一员的; 拉斯特法里崇拜者的 (形) | raster font 光栅字体, 点阵图字型 (计算机用语)

RJ - Rastafarian:牙买加领袖风格

RF - Rain Forest 雨林 | RJ - Rastafarian 牙买加领袖风格 | SA - Street Artist 街头艺人

RJ - Rastafarian:牙买加首脑风格

RF - Rain Forest 雨林 | RJ - Rastafarian 牙买加首脑风格 | SB - Street Brtist 街头艺人

Rastafarian: let's smoke this shit:[牙买加]塔法里教徒

Dogs: I just shit in your shoes(狗) | Rastafarian: let's smoke this shit! ([牙买加]塔法里教徒,) | Voodoo: Shit doesn't just happen, we made it happen(伏都教徒,一种西非原始宗教)