英语人>词典>英汉 : Oceanica的中文,翻译,解释,例句



大洋洲, 澳洲

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We employ SYRACO to analyze coccolith specimens at Site MD05-2901 in the South China Sea and obtain the percentages of Florisphaera profunda, Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica.

作者使用SYRACO自动鉴定系统对南海MD05-2901柱状样进行颗石藻属种鉴定,同时获得了Florisphaera profunda, Emiliania huxleyi, Gephyrocapsa oceanica等主要属种含量信息。

From the pyrolyzed product at 200℃ of Gephyrocapsa oceanica a group of C〓 dicycle terpenoids were firstly identified. They were highly instable and sensitive to temperature because they can only generate at 200℃ and segregate or transform at higher temperature. Therefore they can not only be an indicator of special temperature of organic matter originated from G. oceanica, but can be used to distinguish organic matter from G. oceanica before the hydrocarbon generation peak.

在近海颗石藻Gephyrocapsa oceanica 200℃产出的饱和烃中首次检出了一组C〓二环萜类化合物,这一组特殊的C〓二环萜类化合物在颗石藻来源的有机质中是高度不稳定和温度敏感的,因为它们只在200℃时才形成,更高的温度条件下便解离或转化了,因此,它们既可以是近海颗石藻Gephyrocapsa oceanica来源有机质的特定温度条件的指示,又可以被用于判识该藻类在成烃高峰到来前所形成的有机质。

The Province of Oceanica, erected in 1898, comprises, besides a procurator house at Sydney and three missions in Australia, five vicariates (Central Oceanica with 15 stations; the Navigator Islands or Samoa with 15 stations; New Caledonia with 36 stations; Fiji with 17 stations; New Hebrides with 22 stations) and two prefectures (the Southern Solomon Islands with 8 stations and the Northern Solomon Islands with 5 stations).

省oceanica ,建於1898年组成,除检察长府在悉尼和三项使命,在澳大利亚, 5 vicariates (中央oceanica与15个车站;领航员群岛和萨摩亚,与15个车站;新喀里多尼亚36个车站;斐济17监测站;新赫布里底与22站)和两个县(南所罗门群岛8个车站和北所罗门群岛与5站)。

更多网络解释与Oceanica相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Micronesian Imperial Pigeon, Ducula oceanica:密克皇鸠

Pacific Imperial Pigeon, Ducula pacifica,灰头皇鸠 | Micronesian Imperial Pigeon, Ducula oceanica,密克皇鸠 | Polynesian Imperial Pigeon, Ducula aurorae,社会岛皇鸠

Ducula aurorae:波利皇鸠

密克皇鸠Ducula oceanica | 波利皇鸠Ducula aurorae | 马克萨斯皇鸠Ducula galeata

Fragilaria oceanica:大洋脆杆藻

塞米拟细齿藻 Denticullopsis seminae | 大洋脆杆藻 Fragilaria oceanica | 菱形藻科 Nitzschiaceae