英语人>词典>英汉 : Northwest Territory的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇
Northwest Territory的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

Northwest Territory

Northwest Territory的基本解释


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The Spanish Nootka Convention of 1790 opened the northwest territory to explorers and trappers from other nations, most notably Britain and then the United States.


However, they Are the home of Northenlight - Yukon and Northwest Territory.


And in Other News Iran lost The Northwest Territory and Yukon to Canada in a failed attempt to Block them.

在另一则新闻里伊朗丢失了西北疆土和 Yukon 并丢失了对加拿大的主动权。

The area was ceded by Virginia to the new United States in 1783 and became part of the Northwest Territory.


Much territory in northwest China is desert.


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They pioneered the Northwest Territory:他们探察了西北地区

The older boys lord it over the younger ones. 大孩子欺压小孩子... | They pioneered the Northwest Territory. 他们探察了西北地区. | She mothered two children and adopted a chirld. 她生了两个孩子,又领养了...

Northwest Territory:西北地区

现称俄亥俄的土地,过去是西北地区(Northwest Territory)的一部分. 这片土地是美国在独立战争时击败英国所赢得的. 俄亥俄于1803年添加联邦,成为美国的第17州. 它的名字源自于境内形成其南部边界的一条河. 俄亥俄是北美印地安文字,

Northwest Territory:西北特区

全加30%之农业生物科技公司集中於沙省,第一大城沙士卡通市(Saskatoon)的Innovation Place是孕育是类人才的重镇. 此外在资讯及电讯方面之发展亦颇有成果. 1999年4月1日加拿大把原西北特区(Northwest Territory)的东部地区分出,成立新的努那福特区.

Territory Northwest of the River Ohio:俄亥俄河西北岸领地

俄亥俄河西北岸领地 Territory Northwest of the River Ohio | 俄亥俄河南岸领地 西南领地Territory South of the River Ohio Southwest Territory | 奥尔良领地 Orleans Territory