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Mauna Loa的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Mauna Loa

Mauna Loa的基本解释


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Of the state's four active above-water volcanoes, only Kilauea and Mauna Loa have spit lava in the past 200 years.


Surface ozone data of Mauna Loa and the other 14 monitoring sites of altitude lower than 1000 m in the northern hemisphere were used to give a joint discussion for the distribution and variation features of surface O3. The data, based on ground observation, were collected, processed, and distributed by WDCGG (World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases) in GAW. The monthly mean and hourly data of surface ozone in these 15 sites were analyzed to sum up the difference of surface ozone annual and seasonal variations in different areas of the northern hemisphere.

利用来自GAW(Global Atmosphere Watch,全球大气监测)的、由WDCGG World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases,世界温室气体数据中心)收集整理和发布的、基于地基观测的北半球共15个站点的地面O3含量的逐月观测资料以及逐时观测资料,分析、对比并总结了北半球不同经纬度各区域的地面O3含量的年变化和各个季节的日变化规律。

Mauna Loa, the world's largest active volcano, is located in Hawaii.

Mauna Loa是世界上最大的活火山。

The most famous volcano in Hawaii is Mauna Loa.


Since then, small earthquakes and swelling of the mountain indicate that Mauna Loa's plumbing


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Mauna Loa:冒内罗亚火山

Mauna Kea 莫纳克亚山 | Mauna Loa 冒内罗亚火山 | Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚

Mauna Loa:冒内自适应远测罗亚火山

Zheng Zhou 郑州 | Mauna Loa 冒内自适应远测罗亚火山 | Millwaukee 密尔沃基

Mauna Loa:莫纳罗亚山(夏威夷岛的活火山)

magnitude n.量极 | Mauna Loa 莫纳罗亚山(夏威夷岛的活火山) | methane n.[化]甲烷,沼气

Mauna Loa:冒内罗亚火山 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯

Mauna Kea 莫纳克亚山 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±?... | Mauna Loa 冒内罗亚火山 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±???íó?△sdfsaāú??# | Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚 英文地名翻译集锦 国际品牌资讯 .ùü??±...

Mauna Loa Vol:茂纳罗亚火山

Mauna Kea Vol. 茂納開亞火山 | Mauna Loa Vol. 茂納羅亞火山 | Maupin 茂平