英语人>词典>英汉 : Louis Napoleon的中文,翻译,解释,例句
Louis Napoleon的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Louis Napoleon

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The fact that his cousin was Louis Napoleon's wife, the Empress Eugenie was obviously no handicap either.


" "Nay, madame; I would place each of these heroes on his right pedestal--that of Robespierre on his scaffold in the Place Louis Quinze; that of Napoleon on the column of the Place Vend?

& &不,夫人,如果给这些英雄们树上纪念像的话,我要给他们每个人一个正确的地位――罗伯庇尔的应该树在他建立的断头台那个地方;拿破仑的则应该刻在旺多姆广场上的廊柱上。

WE WILL LEAVE Villefort on the road to Paris, travelling--thanks to trebled fees--with all speed, and passing through two or three apartments, enter at the Tuileries the little room with the arched window, so well known as having been the favorite closet of Napoleon and Louis XVIII., and now of Louis Philippe.


In this dispute the emperor Nicholas of Russia sided with the Greeks, and Louis Napoleon, the emperor of the French, with the Latins.


In this dispute the emperor Nicholas of Russia sided with the Greeks, and Louis Napoleon, the emperor of the French, with the Latins.


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Louis Napoleon Bonaparte:路易拿破崙

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Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon:路易拿破仑.波拿帕特

Bombay-Burma Trading Corporation 孟买缅甸贸易公司 | Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon 路易拿破仑.波拿帕特 | Bonaparte, Napoleon 拿破仑.波拿帕特

Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon:拿破 .波拿帕特

Bombay-Burma Trading Corporation 孟买缅甸贸 公司 | Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon 拿破 .波拿帕特 | Bonaparte, Napoleon 拿破 .波拿帕特