英语人>词典>英汉 : Lake District的中文,翻译,解释,例句
Lake District的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Lake District

Lake District的基本解释


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The lake district have some of the most famous beauty spot in england.


The lake district had some of the most famous beauty spot in england.


If you are not willing to compensate for, we can have civil suit in court of west lake district.


I went to mallard lake in yanqing district yesterday, that was the furthest outing I have ever taken.


We met a group of cyclists on a tour in the Lake District.


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The Lake District:湖区

兰卡斯特大学位于英国中北部,在著名风景区"湖区"(The Lake District)附近,距曼彻斯特市(Manchester)约1个半小时车程. 该大学于1964年建校,是一所综合性大学,系科齐全,现有学生12,000名,就读于200多个专业. 兰卡斯特大学在英国大学的综合排名中位居前列,

The Lake District:(英格兰西北部的)湖区

district n.地区;区域 | the Lake District (英格兰西北部的)湖区 | isle n.(用于诗歌或 地名中)岛;小岛

The Lake District:(英格兰东南部的)湖区

district n.地域;区域 | the Lake District (英格兰东南部的)湖区 | isle n.(用于诗歌或地名中)岛;小岛

Lake District:湖区

英国的大雨让政府措手不及,西北部的"湖区"(Lake District)周五成为水乡泽国,部分地区淹水达2.5公尺深,军方赶紧派出救难人员挨家挨户搜寻受困民众.

Lake District:英国湖区

英国湖区(LAKE DISTRICT)附近的克林斯顿(CONISTON),一只头长四角的羊在悠闲的吃草. (来源:国际在线) 狗年狗趣 奇怪小狗长了六条腿(图) 湖人老板教练球员都溺爱宠物狗(图)

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