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Hellenist ['helinist]


希腊文化研究者, 昔时常用希腊语的犹太人

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On their human side these innovations are to be accounted for by the free spirit of the Hellenist Jews.


It was in this sense that Aristobulus, a Hellenist Jew of Alexandria, [b About 160 BC] sought to explain Scripture.

正是在这个意义上,阿里斯托布鲁斯,一个Hellenist犹太人的亚历山大,并[ b大约有160名卑诗]寻求解释圣经。

The Book of Wisdom, emphatically Hellenist in character, presents to us Divine wisdom as flowing on from generation to generation and making holy souls and prophets (vii, 27, in the Greek).

这本书的智慧,强调hellenist在性格,呈现给我们的神圣智慧的流动对一代一代传下去,使神圣的灵魂和先知(第七章, 27条,在希腊语)。

If from this brief review of Hellenist and Pseudepigraphic literature we turn to take a retrospect, we can scarcely fail to perceive, on the one hand, the development of the old, and on the other the preparation for the new, in other words, the grand expectancy awakened, and the grand preparation made.


Both of these were handed down by the Jews; the former by the Palestinian, the latter by the Alexandrian, Hellenist, Jews.

这两项被移交下跌犹太人;前者由巴勒斯坦,而后者是由亚历山大, hellenist ,犹太人。

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Hellenism /希腊文化/希腊精神/希腊风格/ | Hellenist /希腊文化研究者/昔时常用希腊语的犹太人/ | Hellenization /希腊化/


Hellenist 昔时常用希腊语的犹太人 | Hellenist 希腊文化研究者 | Hellenization 希腊化


Hellenism 希腊文化 | Hellenist 希腊语言学家 | Hellenization 希腊化


Hellenism 希腊文化 | Hellenist 昔时常用希腊语的犹太人 | Hellenist 希腊文化研究者