英语人>词典>英汉 : Guanabara的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[地名] [巴西] 瓜纳巴拉

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From atop Corcovado Mountain,'Cristo Redentor,' or 'Christ the Redeemer,' watches over the city of Rio de Janeiro, sprawled against the backdrop of Sugarloaf Mountain and Guanabara Bay.

从科尔科瓦多山的山顶上,'Cristo Redentor',或说是'基督的救赎,正鸟瞰着里约热内卢这个城市

I went up Sugar Loaf Mountain, where you'll get a fantastic 360 degrees view of Rio and Guanabara Bay.


Roman and Egyptian transatlantic voyages - In 1975 two intact amphorae were recovered from the bottom of Guanabara Bay, near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 1981 archeologist Robert Marx discovered thousands of pottery fragments in the same locality, including 200 necks from amphorae.


This town, situated on the shores of Bay of Guanabara, the second largest in, and in the past was the capital.


Between 1960 and 1975 Rio was a city-state under the name State of Guanabara .


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3月9日,参加2001-2002年环球帆船赛(TheVolvoOceanRace)第五赛段比赛的船只从巴西里约热内卢瓜纳巴拉(Guanabara)湾启航. 图为一只帆板从正在比赛的几艘帆船前经过. 第五赛段比赛预计3月27日结束于迈阿密,行程4450海里.

Guanabara B:瓜纳巴拉湾

瓜纳巴拉 Guanabara | 瓜纳巴拉湾 Guanabara B. | 瓜纳卡斯特 Guanacaste

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Vice Campeao da Taca Guanabara:福鲁米嫩塞足球俱乐部 获瓜娜巴拉杯亚军

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