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Greenland Sea的中文,翻译,解释,例句

Greenland Sea

Greenland Sea的基本解释

[地名] [北冰洋] 格陵兰海

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An area of 14.75 million square kilometers, with an average depth of 125 meters, maximum depth of 5527 meters (located in the northern Greenland Sea Eagle).


Heading north, then north-west, the German fleet made good and largely uneventful progress across the Norwegian Sea towards Greenland and the Denmark Strait between Iceland and Greenland, the gateway into the Atlantic.


Melting ice in Greenland threatens to raise sea levels.


This includes mountain glaciers, ice sheets covering West Antarctica and Greenland, and Arctic sea ice.


Detection of a human cause of warming at both ends of the earth also strengthens a need to understand ice sheets on Antarctica and Greenland that would raise world sea levels by about 70 meters (230 ft) if they all melted, they said.


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Greenland Sea:格陵兰海

北瓶鼻鲸似乎会季节性地在比斯开湾(Bay of Biscay)出现,时间约在5至8月,此时在较高纬度的巴伦支海与格陵兰海(Greenland Sea)也相当容易发现它们的身影.

Greenland would also raise sea level almost 20 feet if it went:若格陵兰消失 同样可以使海面上升20尺

than another big body of ice that's roughly the ... | Greenland would also raise sea level almost 20 feet if it went.|若格陵兰消失 同样可以使海面上升20尺 | A friend of mine just brought back some pictu...