英语人>词典>英汉 : Feliciano的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[地名] [乌拉圭] 费利西亚诺

更多网络例句与Feliciano相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The winner of this year's Goldman Prize for Africa is Feliciano dos Santos in Mozambique.


The winner of this year's Gold man Prize for Africa is Feliciano dos Santos in Mozambique.


Inside the parliament building, security guard Feliciano Balde said his country is better served by Chinese aid.

在国会大厦里,安全警卫Feliciano Balde讲他的国家能在中国的援助中受益更多。

The winner of this year 's Goldman Prize for Africa is Feliciano dos Santos in Mozambique.

本年度高曼奖的非洲获奖者是来自莫桑比克的Feliciano dos Santos。

The winner of this year's Goldman Prize for Africa is Feliciano dos Santos in Mozambique .

今年非洲的高曼奖得主是莫桑比克的 FDS 。

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更多网络解释与Feliciano相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Felicia 費利西亞 | Feliciano 費利西亞諾 | Felino 費利諾

Jose Feliciano:费里士安奴

17.Yesterday 昨日 | Jose Feliciano 费里士安奴 | 18.And On The Third Day 第三天

Jose Feliciano:歌手/作曲家

Benicio del Toro 演员/奥斯卡奖获得者 | Jose Feliciano 歌手/作曲家 | Grammy Award Winner格莱美奖得主

Jose Feliciano:费里土安奴

Yesterday 昨日 | Jose Feliciano 费里土安奴 | And On the third day 等到了第三天

Lopez, Feliciano:菲-洛佩斯(西班牙)

36. Simon, Gilles 西蒙(法国) | 37. Lopez, Feliciano 菲-洛佩斯(西班牙) | 38. Santoro, Fabrice 桑托罗(法国)

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