英语人>词典>英汉 : Euripidean的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

Euripidean [juə,ripi'diən]


欧里庇得斯的, 欧里庇得斯悲剧的

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We must not be alarmed if the fruits of this optimism ripen--if society, leavened to the very lowest strata by this kind of culture, gradually begins to tremble with wanton agitations and desires, if the belief in the earthly happiness of all, if the belief in the possibility of such a general intellectual culture changes into the threatening demand for such an Alexandrian earthly happiness, into the conjuring up of a Euripidean deus ex machina.


The actors playing the gods made their appearance in Greek drama, evidently, hoisted and lowered by some sort of machinery whose details have not come down to us, but the use of the gods in this Euripidean way has been designated by a Latin phrase,"Deus ex machina"(English=God from the machine), which has become a term of contempt, designating the unartful way that a dramatist may wind up plot when unable to bring the story to a reasonable conclusion, as in some cheap films, where everything that has gone before turns out to be a dream.

在希腊的戏剧中,饰演神的演员,多半由某种机械将他们提起或放下,但我们不清楚原来的细节。在《希波理特斯》中的神,主要是由拉丁文Deus ex machina所命名,这最后成为一种轻视的词汇,意指当戏剧家无法在剧情结尾做出合理的结论时最后所有一切都会消失,观众发现这原来只是一场黄粱大梦。

So it happens that the Euripidean drama is at the same time cool and fiery, able alike to freeze and consume us.


What in Euripidean, as compared with Sophoclean tragedy, has been so frequently censured as poetic lack and retrogression is actually the straight result of the poet's incisive critical gifts, his audacious personality.


As soon as this chorus had acquired a competence in the Euripidean key, the new comedy--that chesslike species of play--with its constant triumphs of cleverness and cunning, arose.
