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[人名] 德利厄斯

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Other critics-raving recordings include the Walton Concerto and Britten's Cello Symphony with the Academy of St Martin in the Fields under Sir Neville Marriner released in 1997 (the Britten being described by Edward Greenfield in Gramophone as "beyond any rival"), the complete works for cello and piano by Grieg and Delius with pianist Bengt Forsberg in 1998, and the "Cello Moods", a collection of favourites and rarities with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra under James Judd.


Beecham's feeling for, and performances of, the music of Delius have never been surpassed.


A revival of England's musical status began during the 20th century with the prominence of composers such as Edward Elgar, Gustav Holst, William Walton, Eric Coates, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Frederick Delius and Benjamin Britten.


Less radical than Holst, less hermetic than Delius, he was more complex than either.


Indeed, it seems that Mussorgsky enshrined the soul of the Russia nation, Delius make people think of the British Gardens of the Word.


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创作题材常取自诗情画意及自然景物等,其代表人物如法国的德彪西(C-A.Debussy),他在1892年创作了管弦乐序曲(牧神午后).从而确定了印象主义音乐的地位,其他代表人物有拉威尔(M Ravel)、杜卡(P Dukas)、戴留斯( Delius)等.


Delibes 葛佩莉亚,希尔维亚 | Delius 交响作品选 | Donizetti 拉美摩尔的露契亚,爱之干醇


Delibes 德利伯 | Delius 戴流士 | Donizetti 唐尼采弟

Delius Fryderyk:戴留斯,弗雷德里克

胡桃夹子 Ntcracker,Op.71 | 戴留斯,弗雷德里克Delius Fryderyk | C大调小提琴协奏曲 Violin Concerto in C Major

Serenade for the 60th Birthday of Frederick Delius:沃洛克:弦乐小夜曲(为弗雷德里克.戴留斯六十寿辰而作)

戴留斯:歌曲与舞曲Air and Dance | 14: 戴留斯:歌曲与舞曲Air and Dance 04:57 | 沃洛克:弦乐小夜曲(为弗雷德里克.戴留斯六十寿辰而作)Serenade for the 60th Birthday of Frederick Delius