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The intergeneric phylogenetic trees of water lilies showed that Nelumbo and Ceratophyllum form a sister group, but with relatively high sequence divergence, supporting that place the two genera into two distinct families; and Brasenia and Cabomba form a sister group, with relatively low sequence divergence, supporting that the two genera were placed the same family Cabombaceae.


The systematic position of Cabombaceae has been disputed for a long time.


Morphological studies indicate that the family Cabombaceae possesses many primitive characters and experiences reduction in features during adaptation to aquatic environments.

和莼菜属(Brasenia Schreb。)。形态学研究显示水盾草科具有许多原始性状,而且在其适应水生环境的过程中经历了性状退化。水盾草科又被称为&古草本&。

Morphological studies indicate that the family Cabombaceae possesses many primitive characters and experiences reduction in features during adaptation to aquatic environments.

水盾草科是双子叶植物。水盾草科包括2属:水盾草属(Cabomba Aublet。)和莼菜属(Brasenia Schreb。)。形态学研究显示水盾草科具有许多原始性状,而且在其适应水生环境的过程中经历了性状退化。

更多网络解释与Cabombaceae相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


根据本文的观察结果,我们认为莼菜属是睡莲科中较简化的属,它和Cabomba属有密切的亲缘关系,它们可独立成莼菜科(Cabombaceae),包括于睡莲目内. 睡莲属、 萍蓬草属、芡属和王莲属(Victoria)彼此亲缘关系密切,可留于睡莲科. 莲属具独特的形态,


其中包括人体必须而又不能自行合成天冬氨酸、亮氨酸和谷氨酸,是构成人体血浆蛋白的必要成分,具有补血、促进胃酸分泌等功能,在动物实验中还证明有一定的抗癌作用. 古籍中有茆、水葵、凫葵、马蹄草等别名,是莼科(Cabombaceae)莼属的唯一植物.

Cabombaceae:莼菜科 莼菜

莲属Nelumbo | 6.3 Cabombaceae 莼菜科 莼菜 | 6.4 Ceratophyllaceae 金鱼藻科

Cabombaceae chun:莼菜科

Nymphaeaceae shui 睡莲科 lian ke | Cabombaceae chun 莼菜科 cai ke | Ceratophyllaceae 金鱼藻科 jin yu yao ke

chun cai ke Cabombaceae:莼菜科

唇形科 chun xing ke Labiatae 65(2),66 | 莼菜科 chun cai ke Cabombaceae 27 | 茨藻科 ci zao ke Najadaceae 8

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