英语人>词典>英汉 : Brahmanical的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

Brahmanical [brɑ:'mænikəl]



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Estimates range from 2000 to 3000 different castes established by Brahmanical law throughout India, each region having its own distinct groups defined by craft and fixed by custom.


However, the challenge of non - Vedic religions, notably Buddhism and Jainism, led to the replacement of the rigid Brahmanical rules by more relaxed and varied forms of worship.

然而,挑战的非-吠陀宗教,特别是佛教和耆那教,导致更换刚性B rahmanical规则更加宽松和各种形式的崇拜。

But the tone of the narrative makes it at least possible that there are was not really anything unusual in the method of his cremation; and that the elaborate rites prescribed in the Brahmanical books for use at a funeral were not, in practice, observed in the case of the death of any person other than a wealthy Brahman, or some layman of rank who was a devoted adherent of the Brahmans.


This word, aivarya, is important for three reasons: first, it attests the complete self-mastery, independence and freedom of the Self - it is not subject to the tyranny of unwanted internal or external forces (unlike the mundane ego comprised of the unstable, conditioned and labile skandhas); second, it hints at a controlling, regulating intelligence: a knowing and utterly free mind (the "transcendental knowing" which the Buddha elsewhere in the sūtra links to the Self); and thirdly, it is of course linguistically related to the Sanskrit noun, Isvara, which in the Brahmanical environment in which Buddhism had its roots denoted God (more particularly the god, Shiva).


Then the Milky Way galaxy, the deep concealed, lingtai suddenly chooses pure, clear like audible sound like ghost summon troops, like streams, static drum brahmanical!


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