英语人>词典>英汉 : Berthelot的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[人名] 贝特洛, [地名] [阿尔及利亚] 贝尔特洛

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Opened in January 2009, Hotel Berthelot enjoys a perfect location in the historical and cultural centre of Bucharest.


The spectrophometric determination ofγ-Aminobutyric acid in brown rice was studied based on Berthelot reaction.


Lian good word article,not only can increase the bright,refreshing people,but also enrich the connotation of the article,Berthelot mood of the article.


Here in addition to devout reverence and worship, but also enable us to make more strongly felt distinctive art works Berthelot fresh character and soul of people of life, wisdom and human values, and, because of time and space, sectarian, materials , authors and works of the similarities and differences between the recipient and the ecstasy that is intended to show is the magnificent new look.


But even if I Berthelot modern version of the Inner keep Sonoda go even count all converted to Buddhism, but also what is the use


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更多网络解释与Berthelot相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


贝瑞 Berry | 伯特洛 Berthelot | 柏瑟列 Berthollet

Berthelot equation:伯特洛方程式

Bernoulli's theorem 柏努利定理 | Berthelot equation 伯特洛方程式 | berthollide 不定比化合物

Berthelot equation:贝特洛方程式

berthage space 停泊区 | Berthelot equation 贝特洛方程式 | Berthelot-Thomsen principle 贝特洛-汤姆逊原理

Fred Berthelot:最新 钞票的变化

207.更多的商业魔术J.C. Wagner - More Commercial Magic.avi | 208.07最新 钞票的变化-Fred Berthelot | 209.单牌连接 Sixten Beme - One Card Link.avi

Berthelot, Marcelin:贝特洛

贝科维奇 Ramon Berkovitch | 贝特洛 Berthelot, Marcelin | 贝纳尔 Bernard, Claude

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