英语人>词典>英汉 : Bairam的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

Bairam [bai'rɑ:m]



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One day for Christmas, three days for Corban, one day for Lesser Bairam and one day for Water-splashing Festival.


At the end of Ramadan comes the great feast-day, generally called Bairam, or Fitr, ie,"Breaking of the Fast".

在斋月结束,随之而来的盛宴天,一般称为bairam ,或开斋节,即"突破的快"。

With the line between entertainment and ritual blurred, music played at toi, wedding parties or family and community festivities, and at bairam, national or regional celebrations, has been incorporated into the full body of life, not relegated to consumer consumption.


Holidays(2001): Jan. 1 (New Year''s), Feb.19 (National Flag Day, President Niyazov''s Birthday), Mar.6 (Kurban Bairam, Id al-Adha or feast of the Sacrifice), Mar.8 (International Women''s Day), Mar.21 (Turkmen New Year''s Day), May 9, Oct.27-28, Dec.12.

货 币:100捷涅西=1马纳特;1美元=5200马纳特(1999) Currency:100 tennesi = 1 manat;1 US$= 5200 manat (1999)主要节日(2001):新年(1月1日)、国旗日及尼亚佐夫总统生日(2月19日)、宰牲节(3月6日)、国际妇女节(3月8日)、土库曼新年(3月21日)、胜利日(5月9日)、独立日(10月27-28日)、土库曼斯坦中立日(12月12日)。

, Feb.19 (National Flag Day, President Niyazov's Birthday), Mar.6 (Kurban Bairam, Id al-Adha or feast of the Sacrifice), Mar.8 (International Women's Day), Mar.21 (Turkmen New Year's Day), May 9, Oct.27-28, Dec.12.


更多网络解释与Bairam相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Lesser Bairam:开斋节

10.祭敖包Aobao-Worshipping Festival | 11.开斋节Lesser Bairam | 12.古尔邦节Corban Festival

Bairam Khan:拜拉姆汗(人名)

>(书名)Annals | 拜拉姆汗(人名)Bairam Khan | 拜拉特(地名)Bairath

Bairam m./Fest n.nach dem Fastenmonat:开斋节

bahnbrechendes Stadium der Modernisierung 现代化的创业阶段 | Bairam m./Fest n.nach dem Fastenmonat 开斋节 | Baisse f. 卖空地位