英语人>词典>英汉 : Archelaus的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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John Burnet argued that his principal teacher was the Anaxagorean Archelaus but his ideas were as Plato described them; Eric A.


For we know that Archelaus, Herod's son, succeeded as ethnarch to a part of his father's realm, and was deposed either in his ninth Josephus, Bel.

我们知道在这个archelaus ,希律王的儿子,继任为ethnarch来的一部份,他父亲的境界,被废黜要么在他的第九届

22 But when he heard that Archelaus was reigning in Judea in place of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there.

2:22 只因听见亚基老接著他父亲希律作了犹太王、就怕往那里去。

Hearing, however, that Archelaus had succeeded his father herod as king of Judaea, he was afraid to go there


But when he heard that Herod's son Archelaus was now ruler of Judea, he was afraid to go there. Then in a dream he was told to go to Galilee


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可是,大希律另外两位同母所生的儿子,继位分别作国王与分封王的兄弟亚基老(Archelaus)与安提帕(Antipas),在历史记载的作王年限里则从4BC算起. 马丁博士如何解释这一明显差别呢?约瑟夫记载大希律晚年曾失宠于该撒亚古士督. 故此,


Arcadia 阿尔卡底亚 | Archelaus 阿凯拉斯 | Arelate 阿瑞拉特

Archelaus the prince of the people:亚基老 阿尔赫劳

17 Aquila an eagle 亚居拉 阿桂拉 | 18 Archelaus the prince of the people 亚基老 阿尔赫劳 | 19 Archippus a master of horses 亚基布 阿尔希颇