英语人>词典>英汉 : Allegretto的中文,翻译,解释,例句




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METHODS: LASIK with Allegretto excimer laser and Moria-M2 microkeratome were performed on 1 100 patients with myopia (2 151 eyes).

使用Allegretto准分子激光机和Moria-M2微型角膜板层刀,连续对1 100例近视者(2 151眼)实施常规LASIK手术矫正。

The operative method was wavefront aberration-guded Lasik with Allegretto wave- light and Mona-2 keratome.


The Topcon KR8100 automatic optometry was applied to examine the refractions and corneal K readings. All the patients received subjective refraction examinations. Allegretto Wave Analyzer was applied to detect the wavefront aberrations of the eyes.

使用日本拓普康公司生产的KR8100自动验光仪的人工晶状体眼模式测量患眼屈光度及角膜曲率,进行主觉验光,使用Allegretto Wave Analyzer波前像差分析仪检查患眼的波前像差情况。

更多网络解释与Allegretto相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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quasi allegretto:(意)近乎小快板(allegretto)

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