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action painting的中文,翻译,解释,例句

action painting

action painting的基本解释


更多网络例句与action painting相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The 1960's that he had a dream of painting as a young art student, was an experimental period of passionate, challenging contemporary art (such as Abstract Expressionism, Art Informel, Action Painting).


Through deconstruction of reproduction system in traditional art by body movements and action of splashing paint in the painting process, the "action painting" had pushed modern art forward by a big step.


Through the long historical development of ink painting artists have employed fingers, their own hair or pell-mell splash techniques to create paintings, predating most all techniques applied to action painting or attempts at random, automatic expression.


更多网络解释与action painting相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Action Painting:行动绘画

柯良的创作过程有着波洛克(Pollock)"行动绘画"(Action Painting)的自动主义(Automatism)特征,但通过水墨与宣纸的相互作用,由浓淡干湿、黑白虚实的水痕墨迹形成的画面图像仿佛鬼斧神工、自然天成,毫无人工雕琢的痕迹.

Action Painting:动作画派

他首创了一种所谓的"动作画派"(Action Painting)的技巧,把一张巨大的帆布在地上铺平,最好在室外,然后把颜料滴满画布. 他把那些随意滴洒在画布上的点连成线,纵横于画布之上,他做这些动作时,就像在再次发现美洲新大陆一样. 恣肆而豪放

Action Painting:动作画

landscap painting 风景画 | Action Painting 动作画 | figurative painting 写实主义绘画