英语人>网络解释>羁绊 相关的搜索结果


与 羁绊 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Though linked among a fettered race


'T is something, in the dearth of Fame, 荣耀沦丧中仍有某种意念, | Though linked among a fettered race, 虽然它受着桎捁的羁绊, | To feel at least a patriot's shame, 却至少感受着志士的羞,

Death on the Battlefield


Land an attack on a taunting opponent.(当对手挑衅的时候攻击对手) 10 points | 14. Death on the Battlefield (灵魂的羁绊)30 points | Perform 100 Critical Finishes. (对战时完成100次必杀终结)



\\"脚镣(屠宰场)\\",\\"shackle chain\\" | \\"束缚羁绊,脚镣器(屠宰场)\\",\\"shackler\\" | \\"脚镣(屠宰场)\\",\\"shackling\\"

Whether or not you should

不顾世俗的羁绊 对我这般爱恋

for there you are,standing here, loving me因为此刻你正在我面前 | whether or not you should不顾世俗的羁绊 对我这般爱恋 | so somewhere in my youth or childhood所以,在我的青年时期或童年

non me tenet clavis, keys cannot imprison me


non me tenent vincula, chains cannot hold me, 自由自在无所依靠, | non me tenet clavis, keys cannot imprison me, 自由自在也无所羁绊, | quero mihi similes I look for people like me 加入流浪汉的队伍

Un Fil A La Patte


88侍读年轻女子 The Reader 97 | 05爱情色喷鼻味(爱情的羁绊) Un fil a la patte 80 | 亨利.乔治.克卢梭\\法国Henri-Georges Clouzot AD1931~

Telekinetic Bonds


51Spelljack劫咒JU | 52Telekinetic Bonds念力羁绊JU | 53Web of Inertia迟钝之网JU

slip the collar

摆脱羁绊, 挣脱; 避开困难

out of collar 马未加轭或未套在车上 没事做, 没工作 | slip the collar 摆脱羁绊, 挣脱; 避开困难 | wear the collar 受管束, 受束缚

Spread collar, Underarms, back yoke and front have mesh venting


Button down, Extended split hem, Action ... | Spread collar, Underarms, back yoke and front have mesh venting散布衣领,腋下,背部和羁绊战线发泄网 | 2 front chest pockets, Ron holder system adds free hand...

After clearing away every stumbling stone


How many roads you come to me(多少旅程后你奔赴我) | After clearing away every stumbling stone(当饱经每颗顽石的羁绊) | darling, in that old story (爱人啊,在那久远的故事里)

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Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy