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与 结论 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



"association time","联想时间" | "associationism","联结论" | "associative clustering","联合丛聚"

I came to the conclusion that the only right thing to do

让我得出一个结论 唯一正确的要做的事就是

Daydreaming in the park that day,|那天在公园的白日梦 | I came to the conclusion that the only right thing to do|让我得出一个结论 唯一正确的要做的事就是 | was confront Mrs. X...|跟X女士坦言...

They came to the conclusion that the experiment is a failure


When it comes to mathematics I know nothing. 谈到数... | They came to the conclusion that the experiment is a failure.他们得到的结论是这项试验是一个错误. | Their performance came to its climax. 他们的表...

Based on what he saw, he came to the conclusion that there was a motor-car accident here


17. 那项新技术可能使他们的产... | 33. 根据所看到的一切,他得出结论:这里发生了车祸.Based on what he saw, he came to the conclusion that there was a motor-car accident here. | 34. 就能力而言,汤姆是胜任此项...

come to a conclusion


make a complaint against控告 | come to a conclusion得出结论 | have confidence in sb.信任某人

Concluding Remarks


6.结论 (Concluding Remarks)任何一篇完整的论文都必须有一个结论. 经济学论文的结论通常包括以下两个部分:第一部分,用凝练的语言将论文所得到的基本结论及其意义作一个归纳总结,这种总结应当尽可能简短,以节省篇幅并且避免不必要的重复.

expert conclusion

专家结论 鉴定结论

Length of warranty 保修期 | Expert conclusion 专家结论 鉴定结论 | Shipping bills 出口清单 装运单据

audit conclusion


as-built conclusion竣工结论(总结) | audit conclusion审核(计)结论 | detail evaluation conclusion详评结果

Jump to conclusions


The membership of these clubs jumped to two million. 这些俱乐部的会员人数一跃而达到两百万人. | jump to conclusions 匆忙作结论;草率地推测: | Don't jump to conclusions. 不要过快做出结论.

terse conclusion

简明结论(比文摘更简短, 只开列论文的中心结论)

inductive conclusion 归纳推理 | terse conclusion 简明结论(比文摘更简短, 只开列论文的中心结论) | bring a matter to a speedy conclusion 使事情迅速结束

第1/67页 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... > 尾页

industrial ventilation:三下 專業必修 工業通風

三年級下學期 專業必修 作業環境控制技術 ControllingTechnology for Working Place 3 3 | 三下 專業必修 工業通風 Industrial Ventilation 2 2 | 三下 專業必修 風險評估 Risk Assessment 2 2

If I stand starry-eyed:如果我站着空想

A stranger in paradise 一个天堂中的陌生人 | If I stand starry-eyed 如果我站着空想 | That's the danger in paradise 那会是天堂中的危难

metal catalyze:的全文例句

metal catalyze的例句: | metal catalyze的全文例句: | metal catalyze的相关翻译词汇: