英语人>网络解释>wilderness 相关的网络解释

查询词典 wilderness

与 wilderness 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a wilderness of:一片,无数的

wilderness n. 杂乱的集合;荒野 | a wilderness of 一片,无数的 | wildness n. 未开化;粗野

a wilderness of streets:杂乱无序的街道

wilderness n. 荒野, 茫茫一片, 大量, 荒地 | a wilderness of streets 杂乱无序的街道 | industrious adj. 勤勉的, 刻苦的

A wilderness of deligh:野兴

12 芙蓉世界 The world of lotus | 13 野兴 A wilderness of deligh | 14 双鸟 The twin birds

To a wilderness of night:到夜中的旷野

From a garden of those light 从花园的光华 | To a wilderness of night 到夜中的旷野 | Sleep now 现在,睡吧

To a wilderness of night:终日流浪于黑暗的荒原

From a garden of God's light,从上帝光辉的伊甸园离去吧! | to a wilderness of night.终日流浪于黑暗的荒原 | Sleep now; sleep now...沉睡吧......沉睡吧......

Thunderstorms come; a wilderness of snowflakes:雷雨阵阵,雪花荒野

like a playful boy.像一个顽皮的男孩. | Thunderstorms come; a wilderness of snowflakes雷雨阵阵,雪花荒野 | fall across cities, countryside,秋天在城市,农村,

I would not have given it away for a wilderness of monkeys:我可不会用它 来换什么野猴子

I had it of Leah, her mother, when I was a bachelor.|那是她母亲利亚... | I would not have given it away for a wilderness of monkeys.|我可不会用它 来换什么野猴子 | But Antonio is certainly undone.|但安东...

howling wilderness:荒僻的旷野

19. How are the mighty fallen!一世之雄,而今安在! | 20. howling wilderness荒僻的旷野. | 11. massacre/ slaughter of the innocents屠杀无辜.

howling wilderness:荒僻的旷野;荒无人烟之地

316.How are the mighty fallen! 一世之雄,而今安在! | 317.howling wilderness 荒僻的旷野;荒无人烟之地 | 318.Hymenaeus and Alexander 许米乃和亚力山大

wilderness area:自然保护区

wildcatting 钻初探井 | wilderness area 自然保护区 | Wilderness 威尔德内斯阶

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Voice In The Wilderness
Heart Of Wilderness
A Voice In The Wilderness
Out Of The Wilderness
Angels In The Wilderness
Wilderness Now
The Wilderness (Prelude)
The Wilderness
Lazarus (In The Wilderness)

IFF Interchange File format:文件交换格式

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电机及电子学工程师联合会 | IFF Interchange File Format 文件交换格式 | IIS Internet Information Server 因特网信息服务器

proper fraction","a number below the line of a fraction:真分数

"分母","denominator","a number above the line of a fraction... | "真分数","proper fraction","a number below the line of a fraction" | "假分数","improper fraction","the numerator less than the denominat...


3、焊接结构上横梁(CROWN)的设计母处的承力板(13-16板)与上下盖板(1-2板)的连接应采用D方式,当上梁下面与立柱(UPRIGHT)连接时该接头可为C方式. 主腹板、主筋板与上下盖板的连接,各筋板与主腹板的连接可采用C方式,外腹板与上下盖板的连接为C方式,